Revoke Permissions

Learn how to revoke permissions used by Gamma

Revoke Permissions

In case of an emergency or if you're a proponent of good housekeeping, you may wish to revoke permissions from Gamma's dApp or any other service that is connected to your wallet. This is becoming a common step for users to enhance their security. In this guide, we'll show you how to revoke permissions for your wallets.

Use Revoke.Cash

Revoke.Cash is a reputable platform that allows users to easily see all their permissions for a wallet in one place. Follow the instructions on the site.

Use a Block Explorer

1) Go to Etherscan's Token Approval Checker

The etherscan interface is very simple, it allows you to search permissions on any ethereum wallet, as well as connect your wallet to modify those permissions.

2) Enter wallet address

Before connecting, getting used to the platform and checking your permissions is a good idea. To use the permission query tool, enter a valid address into the address box in the top left corner.

Here, you can see a wallet connected for viewing. Several permissions have been granted from this wallet, including Gamma's hypervisors, Metamask, Uniswap, and bridges. Any of these permissions can be modified or removed.

3) Connect web3 wallet

Once you understand what you're looking at, you can connect a wallet to revoke permissions. To connect, click "Connect to Web3" under the address bar and follow the prompts to connect your wallet

Like the other guides, we'll use Metamask in this example.

Choose a wallet that you'd like to connect with.

You are now connected to Etherscan's Token Approval Checker.

4) Revoke permissions

In this example, we're going to revoke a simple Uniswap V3 permission for WBTC. Click the "Revoke" next to the field you wish to revoke. A pop-up box will emerge.

The red box is the token contract address, in this case, WBTC. The blue ox is the spending address, in this case, Uniswap V3. If you wish to proceed, press the "Revoke" button and follow the prompt on your Metamask wallet.

Congratulations! You have revoked a permission from your wallet. Make sure you repeat the process to revoke all the permissions you want.

5) Confirm on Etherscan

After the transaction is complete, you can confirm the transaction by going to the specific transaction hash and using the token approval checker to recheck the wallet. Click the button "View your transaction" to view the transaction hash.

Viewing the transaction hash, you can see that the permission was successfully revoked.

Also, by refreshing the token approval checker, you can also see that the permission has disapeared from the wallet.

Well done! Better safe than sorry. Remember that liquidity providers on Gamma will have to revoke permissions for each vault. It's always good to keep some gas around for this purpose.

Last updated