GAMMA Tokenomics
Snapshot Date: December 18, 2023 @ 23:00 UTC
This data is a snapshot. It only displays data accurate as of the snapshot date. Wallet balances are subject to change based on staking, team decisions, vesting contracts, liquidity changes, and more. For the most up-to-date token information, please consult Etherscan.
Distribution Definitions
Uniswap Liquidity
GAMMA in this category is the Uniswap V3 and V2 liquidity pools. Currently placed and managed by the team and native vault.
Unstaked Circulating
GAMMA in this category is uncategorized and circulating. These include GAMMA held in private wallets, "dust", centralized exchanges, and other accounts.
xGAMMA Staking
GAMMA in this category has been deposited into the main staking contract to collect rewards.
Vested Funds
GAMMA in this category has been locked under vesting contracts. These contracts are locked with a beginning, cliff (some), and end dates. These funds include team funds, venture capital investors, partnerships, and other arrangements made by the Gamma team. See the vesting schedule below.
Team Treasury
GAMMA is this category is locked on team-controlled multsigs and is used for various expenses like development, bounties, liquidity, partnerships, subsidies, and more.
Purpose / Utility
All Gamma vaults (Gamma Automated and Gamma Enterprise) create fees for liquidity providers. Most of those fees are distributed to the LPs, and a variable portion is distributed to GAMMA stakers. Therefore, GAMMA stakers are exposed to all the vaults.
The GAMMA token will evolve with the protocol over time. Other uses could arise, such as governance (DAO) functionality, other liquidity mining programs, leverage, and much more.
Vesting Schedule
The original 2021-2023 vesting round is complete. Per Coingecko rules, any vesting tokens remaining in vesting contracts are considered "vesting" and non-circulating. Approximately 9-10M GAMMA tokens remain in vesting contracts from this cycle.
A new, smaller vesting round for the current operational team was established in 2023. This consists of approximately 6-7M GAMMA vested for four years (to 2027).
Legacy Tokenomics (VISR)
Here you will find the VISR distribution on launch. The initial distribution occurred in March 2021. Not many things have changed since the launch. A fundraising round was conducted.
Last updated