
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Gamma analytics and figures

What is the fee-based APR?

Fee-based Annual Percentage Rate (APR) describes the average total fees that the platform is producing compared to the total value locked (TVL).

What is the protocol fees APY?

The fees collected during rebalances across all chains, based on trailing 7-day average projected annually.

Is impermanent loss included in the pool APR figures?

Impermanent loss is not currently factored into the APR calculations. It will be integrated into future user interfaces (UIs).

How can I track the performance of my LP position(s)?

Currently, we recommend using a third-party application like Zapper, Zerion, or DeBank to track your LP positions.

Why have analytics been such a challenge in concentrated liquidity?

Why only 24-hour lookbacks for APR on the dashboard?

Web3 calls can slow down an application. We're working on a database solution to provide 24-hour, 7-day, and 30-day APRs for each pair.

Last updated